To solve these problems, this research aims to analyse the relationship between satisfaction , customer attitude loyalty and customer behaviour loyalty and the influence of different retail formats. The variables used in these research are Satisfaction (S), Trust (T), Attitudinal Loyalty (AL), and Behavioural Loyalty (BL). This research was conducted using a quantitative approach and the data used in this study were obtained from questionnaires to 211 respondents by distributing questionnaires directly (direct survey) to Make Over shops in Surabaya shopping centres. Hypotheses testing in this study use Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results of this study indicated that the Satisfaction variable has a positive and significant relationship to the Attitude Loyalty variable and has an influence on Behavioural loyalty through Attitude Loyalty. In addition, the SEM analysis results have a new finding that the Trust variable which is a mediation variable in this study does not have a significant effect on loyalty. From the results of hypothesis testing, this study also formulated managerial implications that can be applied by Make Over as an additional reference to improve service quality in retail stores such as bundling strategies and giving free gifts, implementing referral marketing strategies and focusing on increasing satisfaction
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