The development of a digital-based economy creates potential opportunity upon e-commerce platform service provider. Moreover, in pandemic situation shopping online support the large-scale social restriction. There are many well-known e- commerce brands in Indonesia both domestic and international establishment. The competition is in the red ocean which comprising many competitors who have strong leadership strikes penetration of the market. Innovation towards strategy to make consumer kept staying must be very important especially on how to lead them to do repeat order. However, many firms still neglect this factors. Switching behavior from the individual’s attitude towards the other e-commerce brands become threat for the certain e-commerce brand’s loyal customer. Therefore, this particular research focus on house-wife who fit-matched with the research profile respondent where mostly the house-wife plays significant role on decision and purchase making in a family. This research has purposes to analyze the factors that might influence the satisfaction and repurchase intention in e-commerce platform. In addition to that, analyze the correlation of brand leadership perception towards satisfaction and repurchase intention. Lastly, identify the characteristic of house-wife by looking at repeat order intention upon the brand leader. Conclusive-descriptive-multiple cross sectional research model by using statistical approach of PLS-SEM was conducted in this research. 265 housewives were recruited as respondent by using online survey across Indonesia. Study found that perceived value and popularity are directly related positively and significantly affect satisfaction and repurchase intention. Future research is encouraged to use longitudinal design in providing a holistic understanding of perceived brandleadership
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