The world economy moves from the industrial era 4.0 to the era of society 5.0 so it is certain this has an effect on the shift in the role of accountants in their work. In this 4.0 era, the existence of interpersonal skills is increasingly needed along with the demands for change due to the massive digital technology in the work of accountants. This paper explains the situation of changing the industrial era 4.0 to society 5.0, the interpersonal skills of accounting students in their relationship to readiness to face era 5.0, as well as analyzing the best ways to develop skills in this digital era. The interpersonal skills presented are the results of research on accounting students undergoing digital-based learning. The resulting discussion shows that the community is moving towards an era of society 5.0. Digitalization and shift in the role of the accounting profession in era 4. 0 this time will be directed to develop big data to solve various problems in the era of society 5.0. Interpersonal skills are increasingly important, especially the leadership dimension. Therefore, the development of digital- based accounting student learning such as case studies, Class Polling and Surveys, discussion groups, and others is considered to be adaptable to prepare them to become accountants in the eraofsociety5.0.
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