Jaranan Pogogan is a cultural manifestation that can increase the role and economic development of the community based on traditional arts tourism, especially in Nganjuk Regency, East Java. The role of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) in efforts to improve the quality and quality of tourism is also able to be used as a medium in developing the results of regional tourism, especially in Nganjuk Regency. The lack of marketing makes art jaranan pogogan not become destinations visit major tourist in East Java, as efforts to develop the tourism sector. Visit the concept of branding by integrating safety, cleanliness, and health tailored to health protocol in a future pandemic is expected to make more value in increasing traffic domestic tourists and international. In this study the model used is causal, by applying a system of describing and discovering cause and effect relationships, so the existence of a strong correlation is expected to be able to determine the marketing performance strategy, by taking primary data (questionnaires) and also data from the percentage of tourist arrivals. Through the form of segmentation, targeting, marketing mix and sales of the image of the Pogogan network art can be a supporting sector of tourism, especially in Nganjuk Regency. This is what can mediate the relationship between the arts-based tourism sector with tourists, automatically having implications for increasing the income of the economic sector of society
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Copyright (c) 2021 Yunanto Tri Laksono, Ardian Jaya Prasetya, Dhika Yuan Yurisma