This study tries to explore the phenomenon of impulsive buying among Online Travel Agent (OTA) users who are influenced by the presence of sales promotion activities by OTA and consumer actions when searching for travel products offered by OTA through the mobile apps platform. Research data collection is done through the distribution of questionnaires arranged in a structured way to answer the formulation of the research problem. The questions included in the questionnaire all adopt the results of previous studies with a level of validity and reliability that can be scientifically guaranteed. Questionnaires were distributed to OTA mobile apps users who have accounts in various types of OTAs and have made purchases of products offered by OTA in the past 1 year. A total of 106 respondents participated in filling out the questionnaire from 150 questionnaires that had been distributed previously. The results show that apps browsing does not affect the impulsive behavior of OTA customers and conversely sales promotion can significantly influence impulsive buying.
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