“Trendy restaurants” have emerged in the food and beverage industry as the popularity of social media arose rapidly. For consumers enjoy sharing pictures or videos taken in restaurants, providing trendy space turned out to be an effective way of customer engagement. A growing number of consumers all over the world are always sharing their experiences as well as using these platforms to discover food and beverage trends. Among different parts of the world, Vietnam has a significant number of consumers, especially younger age, are considering social media platforms as a powerful medium in their decision-making. In order to explore the factors behind customer satisfaction at trendy restaurants, this study investigates narcissism personality together with food/drink and service quality as potential predictors to satisfaction and repurchase intention in Vietnamese full-service trendy restaurants. Samples of 213 Vietnamese guests from trendy restaurants were surveyed. SPSS was used to analyze collected data and the findings point out that, in general, food quality, service quality and narcissism personality traits have significant impacts on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. Customer satisfaction mediates the relationships between predictors and repurchase intention. The implications of these findings, limitations of the study and future research suggestions are also discussed
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Copyright (c) 2021 Chen Ho, Huei-Sheng Tu, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Pham Minh Tuan, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, Phan Thi Minh Ha