This research was conducted with the intention to identify the effect of product image excellence, product image strength and product image uniqueness on the decision making of purchasing SME products in management study program students in East Java. The population determined in this study were all active students of management study programs in East Java Province. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. This research was conducted through a survey approach. The data in this study were analyzed using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis proposed in this study. This research has urgency both for the development of marketing science or for stakeholders related to the development of SMEs. The novelty element of this research compared to other studies in the same field is the use of dimensions in the product image that are excellence, strength and uniqueness that are enhanced into research variables. This research has proven that product image, product image strength and product image uniqueness have a significant influence on purchasing decisions.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Darwin Yuwono Riyanto, Yosef Richo Adrianto